Monday September 28th- What are you and I really doing today?

The Blood Moon last night symbolized the transformation of darkness to light- the deepening of blackness to complete obscurity, and then to the eventual unveiling of a bright white light.

We can all be seen as this- life breaks us down and puts a shadow over our mind, and suddenly we are found in a solid black abyss of sorrow and confusion. But from this, a cleansing. We are given the opportunity to resurrect anew.

The hardship of life for each of us is a great opportunity to understand the sorrow of others and why our help is greatly appreciated.

Southern California is going about its regular routine today. People attending to their jobs, students flocking to class and filling the libraries. There is always so much going on it is hard to really understand what kind of progress is being made by our society as a whole.

Some would say we are laying the foundation for a better tomorrow for ourselves and for the next generation, others would say we are fighting injustices and securing the well being of those that are less fortunate than most in today’s society, such as minority groups, the homeless, and orphans.

Whatever we are doing as a whole, however, depends completely on ourselves and how we are reacting to the world around us. While there are people who wish to continue to control the masses, through popular culture and other ego-entertainment, there are those wishing to free others from suffering, those trying to awaken others who are still asleep.

Each day we build upon the efforts of yesterday, and we are always creating and destroying. Ultimately, it depends on ourselves. The greatest work we can afford the world is the work we conduct upon ourselves; the spiritual path of compassion, understanding and love.

When we understand that each of us plays an intrinsic role and we each have a great responsibility, we will all start to make the world a better place, and the collective unconscious will, more and more, begin to heal the wounds made upon this world, the wounds of hate and selfishness.

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” – Rumi


Photo by Brian Carrillo: Morning Star, Near Yuma.