Standing Rock Feb 21, 2017- What Today Means

After months of protest and after an incredible amount of injustice towards Native American sisters and brothers, the government has officially declared it will cut off access to the main resistance camp at Standing Rock, Oceti Sakowin, shutting it down, and most likely forcing its inhabitants out.

They are peacefully protesting. They are conducting behavior that is protected by the US constitution. So why are they being treated like criminals and terrorists?

I pray for the water protectors. They are taking on the most difficult battle of all Americans, because they are fighting the Unstoppable Empire, the very beast itself.

What has really changed? This is how they have been treated for many decades. Centuries. Nothing has changed between the relationship of the American government and the original Americans, except in all the ways the American government has deceived its people.

This is what occurs when profits are put before people. When oil flowing through pipes is more important than the lives of people.

This is not an overreaction. This is a very real fight for survival. Their water is now in more danger than ever before. Just like our grandmother Earth.

Pray for Standing Rock.